When we write this article, we are exactly two years before the 50th anniversary weekend of our Club!

So you think “it will take a long time and we still have years” and you see that time is moving faster than you think. But fortunately we are not surprised because we are not sitting still; step by step we are getting closer to a beautiful lustrum celebration.

The design of the lustrum badge is displayed at the head of this article. So now we are working on the realization and production of that badge. It would be a missed opportunity not to also look at the possibilities to have this artistic design embroidered on a beautiful lustrum polo that you could order in advance, to your size, so that you can look just as shiny during the lustrum weekend. as your Morgan.

The program of the lustrum weekend, to remind you once again that you would have to block August 19-22, 2022 in your agenda, is also starting to take shape.

The “official program” starts on Friday afternoon, August 19, with a “get-together party”. Of course you are free to arrive one or more nights before at the beautiful Veluwe in the wooded Elspeet, but then we really go wild. After this greeting meeting, hopefully we will be able to shake hands again or even more intimately express the joy of the reunion, there will be a dinner program in the evenings, in which we focus on “living outside”. An appropriate musical accompaniment will certainly not be missing.

After a good night's sleep, various detailed tour rides are waiting for you on Saturday that will take you from Elspeet to various wind directions, indicating the relevant sights during the ride, but we are also working on a serious sports class. If your trip master has not yet been calibrated, this may be the time to think about it ...

Saturday evening will also be dedicated to socializing, catching up and good care of the inner person by the brigade of Hotel Mennorode in Elspeet. They are the ones who will also ensure that after a good breakfast on Sunday you are ready for the next challenges of this weekend. A Sunday “high tea” should not be missing in the program of a lustrum weekend of the Morgan Sports Car Club Holland, we thought. The fact that we want to complete the program with that does not mean that you cannot add another Sunday night to make it a pleasant long weekend.

The lustrum committee is currently working hard to work out this entire program in detail, especially in this phase in the form of a website where you can read everything again and see that you can ultimately register per part. The intention is that this site will go live this autumn and that we will offer you the opportunity to register as a serious interested person to participate in the weekend. You would be of great help to us by doing that as soon as possible. You are not yet entering into any obligation, but it helps the anniversary committee to gain insight into the degree of interest there is, which is useful for not only completing the program properly but also keeping the budget in order ... ………… We will keep you informed of all relevant developments following your registration.

Speaking of budgeting; the lustrum committee also encountered names of members of the club in the previous lists of sponsors of previous lustrum events who were then good enough to support the program financially. If there are members who also want to lend a helping hand in this respect before 2022, we would of course appreciate it very much. We do not want to approach members individually, but in that case ask you to contact one of us. We would be happy to make an appointment with you. Thanks in advance for that!

Enough talk for now, there is work to be done!
Stay healthy and enjoy the possibilities that are available !!